Bank of Holly Springs

City Personals

Get invested in Holly Springs, cast your ballot

Midge Bagwell of Daphne, Ala., made a short stop through town over the weekend to visit. She joined her granddaughter, Jillian, for her tour of Ole Miss. Jillian will be a freshman Rebel in the fall. She is from Owosso, Michigan, and has red and blue blood running through her veins.

The election for city positions will be held Tuesday, April 6. I implore you to get educated about the candidates in the races that pertain to you. There are several candidates for many races in wards around town. Make informed decisions on your own. Learn what platforms each candidate is running on for their positions. Listening to fodder from street talk may not be as accurate as speaking to the individuals themselves. Any person running for public office should be easily accessible for a quick question and answer session.

I remember way back when I was young what a big deal it was to go to the polls and cast your ballot for your candidates of choice. Everyone would sit around waiting anxiously on the results. It was fun and exciting - the entire town was electric with cheers heard for blocks from the square. It can be that way again. Get invested in Holly Springs! Be passionate about who you vote for and why. Do not let anyone take away your right to choose by telling you for whom to cast your ballot.

Holly Springs South Reporter

P.O. Box 278
Holly Springs, MS 38635
PH: (662) 252-4261
FAX: (662) 252-3388