Bank of Holly Springs


How do we look to people passing through?

Dear Editor: Where is our “Holly Springs Pride?” We have a very unique location, having two state highways running through our central business district and a county courthouse.

How do we look to people passing through our city, maybe even looking us over to see if this is where they would like to live?

Coming in on 311, we see how great BiCounty Farm Supply has taken pride and given the passers-by a good impression.

We live on the corner of West Chulahoma Avenue and Marbury. Our street has been resurfaced, but, the city, I assume, has paid the contractor for doing a “good” job without inspecting it. We are striving to make our yard attractive, and we have been “gifted” with a small hump of paving in our yard.

And taking another look, there are two “junky” looking boxes hanging lopsided on the pole, with two anchors, that the city has decided to leave there.

Some have told us that the boxes are for cable TV. Whoever gave them permission to use the city pole should give them about three days to make it look like a good company had them put there. If they don’t, make them stop using the city poles. This really looks too sloppy and unprofessional.

Certainly the company that put these up has no pride in Holly Springs or the avenue that it is on or the fine homes along the way.

And worse, no pride in their work. Our intent is to make our home and yard nice looking and our two-year project, to that end, is almost finished. The square looks great with the improvements. Let us all, individuals and businesses, be proud of Holly Springs and show it by keeping our properties in “Class A” shape. All that we have is a gift from God. He gave it to us to care for.


W.L. Bostelmann
Holly Springs

Holly Springs South Reporter

P.O. Box 278
Holly Springs, MS 38635
PH: (662) 252-4261
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