Bank of Holly Springs

Experience the beauty of fall

It has been a busy week with football playoffs, basketball games, and school and church events, and November is just beginning.

By now, we all would like to know the results of Tuesday’s election. We will have the unofficial results up on our website,

Even though it has been extremely busy, the weather has been great and the beauty of autumn can be seen everywhere you go. If you have had a busy day, take a moment and see the beauty surrounding us-people and places.

A good friend, Faye Cook, invited me to Slayden Baptist Church Saturday night to attend the Slayden Vocal Homecoming – A Night of Praise and Thanksgiving to Our God. I told Faye I would come by Saturday and we would go.

I was running a little bit late because I had stopped on the way to say hello to a friend who was out walking, but I made it to Faye’s just about 15 minutes late. Faye directed me to take Slayden Road off Highway 7. I told her since moving here, I had never driven down Slayden Road. It was a beautiful ride, with the sun shining bright through the orange, red, and golden leaves still hanging on to some of the tree limbs. I love traveling down country roads this time of year. The fall colors filled both sides of the roadway. It was absolutely beautiful.

We finally arrived. We hustled to the church’s fellowship hall, and when we walked in the door, I met her sister, Lucy Carpenter. Lucy helped prepare and serve the food, as many others did--a table filled with two big pans of delicious grilled hamburgers, a pan of baked beans, and an array of trimmings to top of any hamburger.

After filling our plate up we found a spot with two chairs. We sat across from Keith and Charlene Cisco. We both enjoyed talking and sharing before the singing. Such a nice couple.

After eating, we walked over to the church. It was filling up, but we found a good seat.

Alan Sumner, music director, opened with prayer and welcomed everyone.

Scott Steele opened worship with one of my favorite songs, “I Will Worship.” Everyone in the audience sang along. What a grand opening of praise.

The singing was so good that I videoed several hymns and texted them to my mother in Alabama. Mother love to play the hymns on the piano at home. The songs brough back memories of her playing. I just knew she would enjoy the songs I sent.

It was a wonderful night singing of praises to our Lord.

This one is one of my favorites, Psalm 34: 1-5:

I will extol the Lord at all times; his praise will always be on my lips.

I will glory in the Lord; let the afflicted hear and rejoice.

Glorify the Lord with me; let us exalt his name together.

I sought the Lord, and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears.

Those who look to him are radiant; their faces are never covered with shame.

The holidays are coming up and the days may get more hectic but remember to stop and be thankful for all the blessing that we do receive.

Holly Springs South Reporter

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