Bank of Holly Springs

Close to Nowhere

Important thing is go vote

Can we talk about politics and not get angry?

No, I didn't think so.

I am going to talk politics though and I hope I don't give the faintest clue as to who I'm voting for.

The important thing is that I'm going to vote. Are you?

I would say I don't care who you vote for, but I'd be lying. I want you to vote for the guy I'm voting for.

But, I'm not going to get angry if you don't.

I tend to scroll on Facebook a good bit.

It's just me and son Kris here in the house and we stay quarantined because neither one of us is healthy enough to be sick.

And it's very boring stuck here in the house with a son who not only is your caretaker, he's a hermit and a computer geek.

So, basically, I'm alone. It could be worse, a lot worse and I know that. I'm grateful that I have a house and food and a psychotic cat.

But I do Facebook a lot so I can "visit" the rest of the world. I have lots of friends and family that post pictures of grandbabies, etc. I have a quilt group on Facebook. Those are usually incredible pictures. And I have several food pages and even an old high school page (Humes, where Elvis went ­ I did too, not at the same time though).

The moderator of the old neighborhood page posted, very nicely, that we didn't want to talk politics on that page. She said the rest of Facebook was swamped with politics and we could just talk about our regular stuff.

She's had to delete people off the page. Politics makes a lot of people very unreasonable. Mad, angry, furious ­ that's not even the tip of the iceberg.

I never post anything political. I get my feelings hurt too easily. When family and friends start screaming at you and calling you all kinds of nasty names because you don't love their candidate, well, it's disheartening.

Every election is important. Small county elections are just as important, maybe even more so, as big presidential elections. The president is a distant kind of fellow. My supervisor, on the other hand, can be very important to my quality of life.

So, I really don't care who you vote for. The important thing is that in every election, big or small, we vote.

And whichever person wins, well, we'll go on. That's what Americans do.

Holly Springs South Reporter

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