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Photo taken during Spanish flu; photographer unknown.

Close to Nowhere

We can make it through

William Butler Yeats wrote in his poem "The Second Coming:

"And what rough beast, its hour come round at last, slouches toward Bethlehem..."

If this pandemic is not a rough beast, I don't know what is.

I sit in my house, self-quarantined, and watch the entire world in a panic ­ me and the world.

And then I read this poem on Facebook, and I realized, there is nothing new under the sun. The world made it through the Spanish flu and the 1918 pandemic that ended World War I.

Surely, we can too... The poem below was written in 1869 by Kathleen O'Meara, during the Spanish flu. It was reprinted during 1918 pandemic that ended World War I.

"And people stayed home

and read books and listened

and rested and exercised

and made art and played

and learned new ways of being

and stopped

and listened deeper

someone meditated

someone prayed

someone danced

someone met their shadow

and people began to think differently

and people healed

and in the absence of people who lived in ignorant ways,

dangerous, meaningless and heartless,

even the earth began to heal

and when the danger ended

and people found each other

grieved for the dead people

and they made new choices

and dreamed of new visions

and created new ways of life

and healed the earth completely

just as they were healed themselves."

Holly Springs South Reporter

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