Bank of Holly Springs

City Personals

Comparing Ice Storm ‘94 to 2023

Not an awful lot has gone on this past week except those of us who were still waiting on power after being down a week. I personally cannot thank Tallahatchie Valley Electric Power Association for getting me back online. It was a sight for sore eyes to round the corner and there was someone up on a ladder and one on the ground, truck blocking the street. The two could not have been nicer. I wish at that moment I had something more to offer than just all the gratitude I could muster.

I, like many of you, were here during the ice storm of ‘94. The ice storm itself devastated our area. Our group stayed at what I deemed “The Ritz Carlton,” as that home was the only one with power. We ate like kings and queens, flopping all over the house for sleep. Everyone got along and we, for the most part, had a grand time.

This last ice storm was not nearly as devastating itself as in 1994. The aftermath, however, crippled our town and surrounding areas. Crippled. People throwing out thousands of dollars worth of food, work missed to stay home with children who didn’t have school, businesses closed…the list is actually immeasurable. What stands out in my mind, as I am sure the minds of the majority at this point, is who holds the accountability for the power grid being antiquated? Past administrations? Past General Managers? There is not even a general manager to ask or to voice concerns. There are just five people, none of whom can answer the accountability question.

I certainly do not know what the answer is but I know what it is not - division and no, I do not mean mathematics. Together we stand, together we fall. Soak in those words. Not having a sustainable power grid is not a race issue, folks. We all suffered in one way or another, some more than others.

In April last year, it was not nearly as devastating but alas, it was more of the same. Power down for days and to what end? Grid still not fixed.

It is a bad look when we are on the national news for a debacle of epic proportions and not the genuinely incredible people and town we have. When it takes every single power company, and I mean everyone, from surrounding areas (even MLGW out of Memphis, for those who do not know) to come bail us out of power trouble, it is national news.

Including my children, my family is five generations deep here. As long as I have been alive and my Granny has been in Hill Crest, I have never been more saddened about the state of affairs we are in here. It is embarrassing when you have told people from all over what a marvelous town you grew up in, raised your children in and now they see it on the news again. Pitiful.

Holly Springs South Reporter

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