Bank of Holly Springs

Before you know it the holidays are here

Everyone is getting in gear for the holiday season, putting up Christmas trees and decorating their homes. It seems the weeks get shorter after Halloween, and before you know it, the holidays are here.

The downtown open house was held last Thursday, and the rain kept some shoppers away for the evening, but some ventured out. It’s important to shop locally. It helps our cities and county communities in more ways than one. There are also plenty of shopping destinations in Byhalia, Potts Camp, Red Banks, and Ashland. It’s that time of year again when we must consider what we are buying friends and family for Christmas. Remember to shop your local downtown merchants this holiday season. They have so much to offer. I’m confident you can find the perfect gift for that special person.

But before we can get to Christmas, we must take care of Thanksgiving first. On Tuesday, our production manager, Barbara Taylor, put together a wonderful Thanksgiving lunch at the newspaper. Everyone brought something delicious. It was good to share and be thankful for one another. But that is what Thanksgiving is all about.

Many people, including myself, have been shopping those great buys at our locally owned grocery stores, Carlisle’s Cash Saver, Reed’s Market in Byhalia, and Food Giant in Ashland, to name a few. Getting ready for the holidays can be a tremendously daunting task or something fun and worthy of pride.

Usually, picking out the right size turkey or ham is the first on the list, and finding the perfect one to feed the Thanksgiving crew can be difficult.

Ah, yes, Christmas is only weeks away. The countdown officially begins the day after Thanksgiving in my family. I’m always searching for Christmas events to get myself in the holiday cheer. Luckily, plenty of Christmas plays, concerts, parades, and fun activities are scheduled in our schools, churches, and downtown. The streets, businesses, and homes will be beautifully decorated in Christmas colors and lights. It is, in fact, the most magical time of the year.

Visiting Santa is always magical and will also be on many kids’ lists. Santa came to the town square for a day or two when I was a kid. I will never forget stopping by his little white house in front of the courthouse. I imagine some will email a letter to the North Pole, and others may decide to mail a letter by dropping it off at the United States Post Office. I remember several years ago when USPS sent letters from Santa to every home in town.

Right now, the thing at the forefront of everyone’s mind is that the holidays are upon us, so we all need to set our pace and enjoy the days ahead. Remember, the most important thing about the holidays is family and friends coming together. So make your hot chocolate, light a fire in the fireplace, decorate your Christmas tree, and gather with your family to create precious memories for the years ahead this holiday season.

Last week’s column should have read: Nellie Hurdle and the hospitality committee prepared and served the food at Slayden Baptist Church’s `A Night of Praise and Thanksgiving.’

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{note to me: Fix the above correction on last week’s Web page}

Holly Springs South Reporter

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