Bank of Holly Springs

Smoke Signals and other news

Pushing forward

Physical Therapy three days a week takes a lot of your time, and I am pushing hard to make this knee bend correctly. I’m beginning to get impatient because I have so much to do. My pain is still present, so ice packs are my constant friend.

It is ball season, and every day brings about things that need attention. I am grateful for the Byhalia Sports Association’s outstanding staff, who will handle whatever I send their way, and parents who see that I need physical help getting things done and who step up to help.

Jamboree games are underway this week in Potts Camp. Each team will play two games at the jamboree. The games allow the teams to see what they need further work on for the season, and in some cases, work out those pregame jitters. Stop by the fields for some great entertainment. Next week, games will be played in Byhalia and Potts Camp. At Byhalia, five coaches and their spouses grew up playing ball for the Byhalia Sports Association and have now returned to coach teams. It is a proud moment when five former players return and use their skills for the Association. It makes you know you did something right along the way when you see them giving back.

Ever wonder who keeps the urns in downtown filled with beautiful flowers? It is the ladies of the Byhalia Garden Club. The flowers are a nice touch. Thank you, ladies, for doing this.

Mike Hamblin continues to improve and amaze doctors and his family. He was able to feed himself breakfast this week. This is a major accomplishment. Keep the prayers lifted for him.

It’s prom season for so many of our high schoolers. I enjoy seeing them all dressed up and enjoying this time of their lives. For our seniors, there are many “last” events: last ball game, last prom, last archery meet, last theatrical performance, and much more. Many are agonizing over what to do with the rest of their lives. There are many opportunities: college, trade school, travel, or straight to work. Whatever fits your life, follow that path with all your heart. That doesn’t mean that you won’t change your mind along the way. Don’t think you are stuck with something that is not your passion. The world can be at your feet. Choose your path.

I was so excited to attend my granddaughter’s performance in her last high school theatrical performance. The group put on the show “Footloose” and did an outstanding job. They sang and danced their hearts out, putting on five shows in four days, all of which were sold out or nearly sold out. When her older brother’s final show took place a few years ago, I said something like, “I guess this is my last theater show to attend.” She looked at me and said, “Grandma, I am going to do theater, too.” Needless to say, I’ve been there many times since that night except during COVID when it was best I not go. She found her passion in dance and theater a few years back; it shows whenever she is on stage.

Please share your news with me at 901-246-8843, email, or message me at Clair Wagg on Facebook.


Holly Springs South Reporter

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