Bank of Holly Springs

Smoke Signals and other news

Easter is an awesome celebration

Easter is always an awesome celebration. Hopefully, you were able to spend time with family and celebrate the true meaning of Easter. My family often has to juggle when we actually get together, as some of the work schedules make it difficult to get us all together in one place. We will be getting together one night this week when most of the family can attend. It will be different than our normal Easter gathering since standing in the kitchen and making my traditional dishes won’t be possible. What we eat does not matter, but the fellowship with the family will be great.

Aleve has been a true asset in many medicine cabinets and is known to be the deadliest medicine a dog owner can have in their home. This bit of advice comes from the personal experience of someone I know who experienced the findings this past week. I will not use names as they do not need or deserve negative comments. They are extremely responsible dog owners. Somehow, a bottle of Aleve ended up where two of their dogs could get it. They managed to chew the top off at 1 a.m. and spill some liquidfilled capsules. Some of the capsules had been bitten, and liquid had escaped when one of the owners happened to get up and discovered them happily chewing on the cap and bottle. It only takes a very small amount of the liquid to be fatal for dogs. This resulted in a trip to the emergency vet, many tests, and many medicines over the next 72 hours. Only by the owner’s quick action, the vet’s skill, and many prayers that were spoken did these two dogs survive and are thriving.

Byhalia’s Great American Clean Up Day, sponsored by the Byhalia Area Main Street, will be held Saturday, April 27, from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. Meet at the gazebo on Brunswick Street at 9 a.m. for instructions, cleaning locations, and disbursement of supplies. Water, Coffee, and snacks will be provided for volunteers. Bring trash pickers and heavy-duty gloves. Sign up by calling 662- 838-8127 or email

Four weeks post-op for me, and life is slowly returning to normal. I’ve graduated to use my walker, can make simple meals, and pain medicine is only occasionally needed, and ice packs are still very welcome. No, I cannot yet say I’m glad I had it done. My family keeps reminding me how bad it was before the surgery. I will be going to outpatient physical therapy three days a week for the entire month of April unless I make quicker progress. My family still comes by several times daily, and I am grateful for everything they do for me. Thank you all for every phone call, Facebook message, text message, and the many words of encouragement assuring me there is life on the other side of this pain.

Two of my grandchildren are staying most of the week with me. They are thirteen and nine. It is most strange for them to be taking care of me. Landon made spaghetti for dinner tonight and is planning pancakes for breakfast. Olivia’s specialty is cheesy scrambled eggs, which will definitely be on the menu more than once this week.

Please share your news with me at 901- 246-8843, email, or message me at Clair Wagg on Facebook.

Holly Springs South Reporter

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