Bank of Holly Springs

Smoke Signals and other news

Christmas is coming

December has arrived, although the last few months have been a bit of a blur. The decorations are up or are going up quickly. The Christmas parades have had excellent weather and have been enjoyed by many. Santa is around if you need to see him (but only if you have been nice). Some presents have been purchased and children have certainly made their wish list. Through it all, let's remember the reason we celebrate the birth of Jesus.

We all grieve differently and there are so many stages to work through. I have certainly cried my share of tears after losing Doug. Friends and family have checked on me daily, and for that, I am grateful. So many have offered to do anything I need, but really, there is little anyone can do. Routine things such as caring for the pets and food prep, although different, have to be done, and dishes and laundry still have to be completed.

One of the many chores I've managed to avoid is going to the grocery store and most other places. I have managed to avoid them, but I did go to the post office to ship something that my grandchildren, Olivia and Landon, needed and left after a recent visit.

No one realizes how many things have to be taken care of with the passing of a loved one until you are dealing with it. During the first few days, my mind would not even work well enough to make a list, but now a list is made, and some things have been checked off while new items are constantly added. The flowers, cards, messages, hugs, and encouragement have been appreciated. I have received personal phone calls from some doctors and a kindly worded handwritten note from another. The time that many took to reach out is very much appreciated.

I was fortunate that Doug and I had basically prearranged funeral plans; so many decisions had been made. It was good to have my family join in the remaining choices. I encourage everyone to prearrange funeral plans for yourself and your immediate family if at all possible. Try to have those difficult conversations about end-of-life decisions and what you and your loved ones would want.

On Tuesday, I kept my doctor's appointment, which had already been rescheduled

Holly Springs South Reporter

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