Bank of Holly Springs

Fall is officially here

It has been some cooler mornings lately and we’ve had some beautiful afternoons. Fall is one of my favorite seasons. The temps have been in the high 60s and low 70s during the day with a slight breeze. It is a great time to be outside with family and friends.

I absolutely love autumn. The crisp, cool air, colorful display of leaves on all the trees, the smell of campfires being built in backyards, and the warmth of the living room after coming indoors. To me, fall signals the joy and excitement of seasons and celebrations to come, such as Christmas and New Year’s.

It is also the best time to drive around and see the beautiful array of colors the trees display across the state. I like to drive up the Natchez Trace, taking in all the colorful scenery. It doesn’t have to be the Natchez Trace; you can drive anywhere during the fall season and admire its beauty.

Now that fall is officially here; it is a great time to prepare your home for the cold weather that will be here soon.

Wednesday morning was one of the coolest mornings we’ve had lately, and the office’s heat was blowing cold air. We found out that the pilot light was not lit. Once it was lit and checked out, the heat felt so good. This is one good reason to check and prepare our homes for the winter early; plus, it could help cut your utility bills.

The Farmers Almanac predicts a very cold winter, so fall is the perfect time to mark off your winterizing checklist.

I grew up with electric central heat and air, but my home in Holly Springs has gas-wall heaters. Gas heat really makes a home warm and cozy. Last year, I had someone who knows a lot about gas heat come and check out my heaters. I waited almost too late last year.

It is also important to check for carbon monoxide leaks. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, approximately 450 people die from carbon monoxide poisoning every year, and more than 500,000 visit the emergency room due to exposure to gas. I purchased a carbon monoxide gas detector from Walmart, or you can buy one from any home improvement store.

Cold air can creep through your windows and doors, so be sure to replace any weatherstripping around them. Even a door sweep installed on the bottom of your door can help keep drafts out.

Also, if you have a fireplace, it is a good time to have a chimney sweep come. If you have a fireplace, you’ll want to make sure the chimney is clear of any buildup. A dirty chimney can be a fire hazard. I hired a chimney sweep many years ago to clean out our fireplace. He was so nice. He surprised my daughter, who was four at the time, with a piece of red cloth he found in the chimney. He told my daughter it must have come from Santa’s pants leg.

There are many ways to winterize your home; with cooler temps, it is a good time to get started. Take in the beauty and decorate, but fall is also a good time to winterize your home.

Holly Springs South Reporter

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